SaveAround: More Than Just A Coupon Book

We believe that nothing should stop you from an easy and painless way to save money.
Our coupon books are full of great savings with offers at both local and national merchants. While you can tear out the coupons you plan on using and keep them in your wallet, or certainly fit the whole book in a large purse, we understand that sometimes it’s just not practical. We wanted to provide our customers with an additional way to save, and that’s “on-the-go”.
We want to make saving money as convenient and simple for you as possible. So, we developed our companion mobile app that will allow you to save even more with extra deals not found in your book. Each of our books comes with a code for one year of complimentary access to the app. That’s right, great SaveAround deals in your pocket. Each coupon in the app is a great value — often buy-one-get-one or a dollar amount off — and can be redeemed between 1-3 times. As an added benefit, showing a mobile coupon is as easy as the printed book, so your added convenience is just as reliable as the SaveAround book you already trust.
Which brings us to the real SaveAround difference: Coupons That Care™. Studies show that customers love saving and will spend more at locations that offer deals. That’s why our book offers businesses big and small a free platform for them to gain exposure and free advertising just by passing their savings onto you! Best of all, our partnerships with countless schools and fundraising groups — some even down the street from you! — means that using your book not only saves you money, not only helps your local businesses, but also gives back to the organizations that need it most.
Today using a coupon book or app isn’t just about saving money — it shows that you care enough to use Coupons That Care!