2019 Books are nearly here! Register for updates

If you’re not already familiar with the SaveAround Coupon Book, it contains thousands of dollars in savings, not just for National chains but also for the local and regional businesses you love!
How do we do it? By developing personalized books for over 170 different cities across America. Our team works hard to deliver you the best deals possible, no matter where you live.
Our books are valid for more than a year AND each contain a unique code free access to our mobile app — a location-aware savings platform for both iOs and Android that travels with you.
In addition to being a fantastic value, SaveAround is committed to making a difference in your local community. Every year we help schools raise millions of dollars through their fundraising efforts, all while helping consumers save. Best of all, small businesses and local merchants benefit from free advertising in the book, driving traffic and increasing sales.
Expect the brand new 2019 book to launch over the coming weeks. Our books costs just $25, meaning you can make your money back and then some just by using the book a few times. Register here for updates so you can start saving as soon as possible and maximize the value of your book!